Miss Invisible

                                          MISS INVISIBLE

I am considered as nobody. A lady or a girl who lives simply on a nearby town of the city. I am young, carefree, and an awakened dreamer. And, if you would be an ambitious guy, you might regard me as a very simple slash nothing-to-be-interested type of girl. Of course, I am attending school but not on a private one partially or can we say mostly invaded by Kikays, chitchatters, any trendy ladies, or what. *winks* I was enrolled on a public yet acknowledged institution filled with jittered personalities and unconcealed capacities. So much for this, I haven’t introduced you my very own self. I am Kurdapia Andresa Dimagiba fondly known as “Daping”. Pretty weird, right? I don’t know why my parents let me inherit their initials and I abruptly hate it -_-. Say it is a new and well-upgraded millennia and who would ever expect such name will still exist?! Now, I’m melting of shame and total disgust. In behalf of these, I am very proud of wearing my name because it came from my great and superb parents. My classmates, since grade school find my name more alienated and unpleasant the reason why they usually ignore me and left me behind the corner. Well, as a child before, it makes me feel very very sad. Try fitting your feet on my shoes and you will actually feel the swelling pain :’(. I used to share it to my mother and she would exert such force, vigor and encouragement to me in order to stay stronger and bolder. Her punchline was “Stand up, show up, and let themselves reveal the true you. Just extend more patience; they are just boring so they’re trying to mess you up.” From that on, whenever they treat me like I was invisible and talk rumors about me, glad I've got my pen and paper then I would start sketching and featuring my future, my wonderland.

So, let me describe my physical appearance. Honestly, I don’t possess the kind of beauty you are holding. My complexion was neither white nor fair but a dimmer one. Imagine Bruno Mars and Oprah? I might be as well have some immense and a very obvious pimples that looks like chocolate chips and craters which I’d annoyingly consider as the “Center of Destruction”. I do also have this black and thick wavy hair and a not-so-flat nose. Imagine me yet? ;) So here's my highscool story goes...

My mother yelled at me like she have been chased by starving beasts. -_- Well, it's not that frightening to me anymore because I was used to that living alarm clock. Since I have no choice, I wake up and stand before my bed like a zombie being reincarnated. The sunlit struck my pretty face, wait what did I just said? xD Pretty face,huh? Breakfast was already set on our table and we have some dried fish, boiled bananas, and corn coffees on mugs. We all eat together and rapidly went to each of our must-be-done chores and routines in going to school. Ahhh.. Feels heaven knowing that I am now a Senior, unlike last school year in my previous school wherein my friends and BFFs are there :(. I am a transfery student on a hectare-measured school. Owh.. I can feel butterflies on my stomach, my heart's thudding, and knees trembling. Lord, please help me handle my first day of school. Offbeat to a student's prevalent routines in going to school, wherein they will ride a spacious and comfortable cabs and mobiles. Well, mine is different or can we say uhmm a little way peculiar. Mind telling you the reason behind? It's just that we only have limited  number of jeepneys across our town and the daily passengers are exceeding. The main reason why it becomes overloaded and since they leave me no option, I'll just hang and hover tightly on those steel bars -_-.  So this is how it exactly looks like .
The combat in my life seems so unstoppable. But why n Earth would nobody dared to offer me a single seat? Oh common! As long as I'll reach the campus on time, it wouldn't bother me. Like, duh? Remember, this is the first day of school and I'l be late?! No way I will never grant that xD. So, just in the nick of time, I am able to attend the orientation and there, I met a new bunch of odd faces, unfamiliar, obscure and I doubt that I could trust them. However, every time our eyes are crossed, they would  welcome me with those sweet and scribbled smiles :). So, I went to the bulletin boards and searched my name so that I'll know what section I am going. Alas! There it is! My noteworthy and startlingly impressive name. So, I'm section Sampaguita and my class starts eight obviously in the morning, Room no.59, 2nd floor 4th year building. *takes a deep breath* AJA! I know my classmates have already arrived there so I ran as fast as I can....
"What the f***!" the guy shrieked. I accidentally bumped him and scattered his juice all over his uniform. I could not ponder of anything else but my class so I gave him my extra shirt without bothering saying 'Sorry' and proceed directly to the stairs without even minding at the angry guy back. Silence diffused and horrified looks from everyone from the room. Whispers and hisses started to blare and reverberate. "So, good morning there young lady, you must be Ms. Dimagiba?" The whole class started to cachinnate and  I was dumbstruck. I do not know what am I going to say and what to react. As a result, I then make the first move to introduce myself. '"Hi everyone! Good mornimg Ma'am, classmates *smiling widely but awkward* I want you to meet myself, I am Kurdapia Andresa Dimagiba aka Daping." Someone did laugh in a boisterous manner. Well, I always expect that though. So our teacher ceased him and then I proceed. '"Uhmm.. 15 years young, I'm from Cute District, Maganda City, Kapalmuks. Nice meeting you guys and I hope that we will get along at each other. That would be all thank you." They all clapped but still I can sense their queer reactions. Since I am a newbie, I am OP you know, out-of-place and that awkward moment upon knowing that your the topic of your beloved seatmates. I think my first day of my new school did went just fine. wait, not really that fine. Remember the guy I spilled with his drink? How was he doing? I think I am more concerned with my extra shirt because it's my only souvenir from my ex-school than that anon guy. Well, let's just hope that I can sleep well this evening. 
*Daping!!! Breakfast's ready! Come on downstairs!*
Yes nay! I'm coming -_-. Thank God I slept last night. Same as usual, we all did our daily routines and successfully arrived school. Wait, that looks familiar... Hey that's my shirt! I'm gonna get that. It was simply place on one of the lined up benches. Yes! I love you Lord! :D. *party poppers here and there* Just a second upon touching it, someone grasped my hand. " You have something to pay miss." Whuut?! Why? How? When? " I am just the guy you just bump on the corridors yesterday." I'm very very very sorry mister.. I did not mean to spill your drink. " Your sorry's not enough miss, it was my newly-tailored uniform you just ditched." So, what then? I can not repay you it's not a big deal though it was just uniform, just give it to me and I'll wash it. " NO!" Your'e so OA mister. Over-reacting much. It's not likely suitable to you, scrapped your'e handsome tho. "What? What did you say?" Uhm.. nothing Sir! Just give me your uniform and I'll give it back to you by morning. Okay? "When I say No,It's a No. Understand?" Owwss..? Okay then, hence, I don't have something to deal with you. Besides, I already apologize to you. Bye-bye. And please also keep my lone shirt souvenir from my ex-school. Thanks for nagging me *gives him a fake smile*. I hate that guy so much. He doesn't even know how to treat and respect girls righteously. Duh?! boys nowadays be like...
 I entered the class and settled myself at an armchair near the window. After a few minutes, the class become noisy since our teacher is not around. Same as usual, I sketched something relevant to my recently-happened  situation. I also am able to write a poem about mean actualities. Grrrr... "Good Morning class!" *Good Morning Sir!* Our teacher then grab the chalk and start writing on the board. Requirements, rules, and introduced to us the lessons that we might tackle on this school year. It's already quarter to 9 when he dictated an assignment. Guess what? First week in school and an assignment was already given?! s this they're custom to do so? Huhuhu, well as a transferee I've got no weapon against this convention. 
Every tick-tack of the clock makes me feel in good spirit because I know it myself that this will drew me to to home the mighty recreation of individuals.
Yes! At last, feels like heaven O:). I plunge to the world's greatest magnet(bed)  and cuddled with my pillow. I did not wish to eat anymore since I have my diet (tsar) and I think I did not feel hunger after encountering that obnoxious Mr. Sungit out there :3.

(After knowin

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