
What would make a person cheat? Does a student cheat in order to make them appear smarter? Or do they cheat to make them honored and pleased? Whatever the reason is, cheating for me is a crime and wrong. As defined by Mr. Webster, cheating is something derived valuable by the use of deceit or fraud. It is the means in attaining high scores dishonestly or by the means of deception. See? Isn’t it annoying to hear? It can affect and injure your future, hence yourself and the people that have been involved. Cheating can be anything. But in a students’ life it is the moment wherein a student will likely peek the papers towards the others and copying homework from the other student. Well, for me that could be considered because it is the cycle of a student’s lifeJ. But, the worst thing is that you do it routinely and it happens almost in daily bases!
          The cheating actions that I really hate wherein I feel disgusted and aggravated are that they would just simply rip a piece of paper with answers written inside it. They would just have a sneak peek secretly, without even exerting a single effort in draining their brains. Then, I’ve fallen to a realization that it’s been so unfair; we would not tolerate injustice, right?  
          Another way of cheating that have earlier discovered is that they would rather check their mistakes in such a way that their score would increase. They also change their answers in order to correct it. Whenever a student would try to confirm the corrections, they hinder the action hence, they were so tricky, and they directly pass the papers to the teacher so that no one will be able to have an attempt in decreasing their scores. It’s so unfair! Why would they do these things when they knew that these were not right? Stupid are they.  It’s just that they are likely to continue cheating throughout their whole lives. They would never be dependent. It would affect their future living. They are just putting their selves in their own hole and suffer from the loss, for every action takes a reaction.

Yes, they might WIN but they NEVER LEARN...

“Everyone needs to cooperate and end this horrendous problem.”

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