
The love of a family is like a circle,
When you are in great need; they are present when you call,
The affection they show is beyond infinity,
It has no end; it’s true, sincere, because it’s their ability.

Families do start with a couple,
This start will bear fruits as sweet as an apple,
Oh! How gratify it is to see,
Little children playing with thee.

Precisely, with them we are molded
Into great individuals that are well- rounded
Every time you feel alone and blue,
They are visible and I assure you, they would be the best crew.

Dismays and trouble nuts do exist,
Yet we can dominate it, if we genuinely insist,
Disappointments and harshness can’t be deprived
In order to fill the gap, one has to lower its pride.

Without them, all of these were impossible,
We will not hatch and see this world wonderful!
Different stuffs, things, and gummies are also seen,
But nothing else is greater than the tribute that we can lean.

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