An Alter for the Better

An alter for the Better

            Bohol had been considered to be the Jewel of the Pearl among the Orient Seas. A turtle-shaped island that attracts many outlanders leaving their jaws dropped as they spectate through varied magnificent spots of nature. Beneath this wondrous island lie undeniably marvelous places remarkable by its green wide pastures, historical infrastructures, sandy beaches and the town folks’ warm and authentic hospitality.

            Time passes rapidly and on this present century, people continue to strive on this complex world where the competition becomes stiffer, the strong dismantle the weak and still pursuing to aim high global standards wherein by this manner, modernization enveloped us. People nowadays care less towards their comrades and find all things necessary. There is no end to satisfy our worldly desires and let discontentment run our material life. We get busier from one thing to another the main reason why we find an excuse to keep the Sabbath Day holy and tend to forget thanking God for the blessings he’d bestowed to us. We have deteriorated our spiritual assets! We must scrap all these shameful habits and seek His presence. Let God mentor our candid soul and enhance our relationship towards Him. Constant practicing with this will surely lead our life to the fullest and can perceive the greatness we have never been.

            Rampant crimes that exploits across our province are issued recently and the cases are chiefly caused by illegal drugs. Frequent use of it can cause addiction, mental disorder, hallucinations, physical change and oftentimes death. Yes, drugs might help us in escaping the problems that we are hauling. But on the meantime, generally it can never help us. Yet, we are adding burden to our family and even drawing threat to our society. Addicts commit suicides unexpectedly and let themselves being eaten by their own system. If we apply illegal drugs, we would live a life full of fear, guilt, hazard and be vulnerable to any destructions. So, as a concerned citizen, I am encouraging you to stop and never use illicit drugs instead, get yourself busier on some sensible and productive activities, right? We must contribute an act of protest toward illegal drug menace!

            Citizens are obliged to harness and enhance our nature in order to open a portal for a brilliant future. But, what have we done? We are now ripping and ruining our Mother Earth bits by bits. We throw our garbage anytime, anywhere. By dispensing garbage on Earth’s lump, we are just like planting our own self-destruct buttons! Children shoot and kill innocent birds which add color to our environment. We cut down old big trees without even replacing a single sprout. Burning plastics inconsiderately plays a huge role in damaging nature. All of these are man’s habit in bringing immense destruction to our own home. See how pathetic we are?! We are the only one who will be affected to our own tragic deeds. No one, but us can rebuild and heal our land. Let us work hand in hand in order to reach our goal- To bring back nature’s beauty and let it blossom for the next generation’s bin. God has given us this priceless gift so let us take care and nurture it. Preserve wildlife by letting tame animals multiply. Let us never shoot birds by our slingshots. Whenever we cut a tree, let us replace a new one. Segregate our trashes properly and responsibly (Biodegradable, Non-biodegradable, Hazardous) then throw it on a right place.
            A change for the better starts within ourselves. We can contribute simple things and if we are all in these together, it can produce a greater change. I know that we can really do it by all means, and with the guidance of our Almighty Creator, we can make OUR WORLD THE SUPERIOR PLACE TO DWELL IN!

ACT before it’s too LATE!


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