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Inday Kalachuchi

Inday Kalachuchi {Boholano Song}                (Lyrics) Inday Kalachuchi  May langgam tamsi Unsay balahibo Asul ug berde Pagka-aligre Ning baryo dinhi Daghang dalaga Daghang dalaga  Ako ra'y gwapa 


I am considered as nobody . Currently a lady who resides on a nearby town of the city. Unstoppably striving on this complex society and still coping of those howling challenges in life. Actually, I am writing this tale of my life to let you knowledgeable enough not to abruptly arbitrate my physical appearance and  if you’re in doubt what specie I am. Hence, not because I’m from Dauis, does mean that I speak in a shortcut manner. Just so you know.            I am natively and righteously molded in Purok 6, Mayacabac, Dauis, Bohol. The second among the four bountiful harvests of Mr. and Mrs. Margarito Pinoliad last January 30, 1999. Together with my siblings, I consider it to be a part of the lucky ones. Even though we wrestle like cats and dogs, with just a nick of time, we manage to reunite again like no abomination happened prior to that.            Recently, I am enrolled to Bohol’s populated yet excellent hectare institution namely Dr. Cecilio Putong National School

An Alter for the Better

An alter for the Better             Bohol had been considered to be the Jewel of the Pearl among the Orient Seas. A turtle-shaped island that attracts many outlanders leaving their jaws dropped as they spectate through varied magnificent spots of nature. Beneath this wondrous island lie undeniably marvelous places remarkable by its green wide pastures, historical infrastructures, sandy beaches and the town folks’ warm and authentic hospitality.             Time passes rapidly and on this present century, people continue to strive on this complex world where the competition becomes stiffer, the strong dismantle the weak and still pursuing to aim high global standards wherein by this manner, modernization enveloped us. People nowadays care less towards their comrades and find all things necessary. There is no end to satisfy our worldly desires and let discontentment run our material life. We get busier from one thing to another


PINTADOS: Warriors of the Century By: Ma. Vanessa O. Pinoliad Indigenous tattooed people of allied businesses, Cultured and harnessed our exquisite resources Inhabited Bohol during the pre- Spanish era, Individuals consumed by valiant aura. Renowned to slain and hunt monsters of men, Invades tribe neglecting any walls nor barren, Tattoos depicting a deeper nuance, One on one battle? They’ll seize the chance. Notorious warriors of the century, Indeed a worthy reverie, For he who is the bravest, was painted the most, Our mighty forefathers in  you , I boast. 

Miss Invisible

                                           MISS INVISIBLE I am considered as nobody. A lady or a girl who lives simply on a nearby town of the city. I am young, carefree, and an awakened dreamer. And, if you would be an ambitious guy, you might regard me as a very simple slash nothing-to-be-inter ested type of girl. Of course, I am attending school but not on a private one partially or can we say mostly invaded by Kikays, chitchatters, any trendy ladies, or what. *winks* I was enrolled on a public yet acknowledged institution filled with jittered personalities and unconcealed capacities. So much for this, I haven’t introduced you my very own self. I am Kurdapia Andresa Dimagiba fondly known as “Daping”. Pretty weird, right? I don’t know why my parents let me inherit their initials and I abruptly hate it -_-. Say it is a new and well-upgraded millennia and who would ever expect such name will still exist?! Now, I’m melting of shame and total disgust. In behalf of these, I am very

The Paramour

The Paramour On a high cold gloomy room, Pondering my pending doom, All these time we’ve been through Setting goals to be a part of your crew. I am just an ordinary lad Deeply in love that I might gone mad, Hungering for your lone and sweet “Yes!” I owe you my life, thy damsel in distress. I’m not that guy of desperation A contradictory of your imagination, You can count on my patience, For I’m ready to wait till I drained my sense. On a hot sunny morning, Wherein all are kind and brimming We went together at the city Decided to go for an outburst spree. As we bid farewell at the end of the street You said “Yes!”, now babe you made my life complete From the start I’m a bit sloppy about it Now I want to shout for joy and hug you indeed

Amidst the Rubble

Oh my darling Philippines! In Celestial spheres you appeared like splattered beans You are my Pearl among the Orient Seas, Filipinos are known for its package of bliss. We’ve perceived a lot of infestations in living, We strive, we multiply, and still pursuing. But on this month of October, where all are charming, A great quake attacks us, made without warning. Described as a silent criminal Increasing death tolls are still on arrival, Churches, roads, and varied infrastructure, Seemed to be worthless, danger prone, and have been torture. A month after the killer quake, Yolanda falls, Samar and Leyte yearns for refuge and calls, Turned our cities into havocs of shreds Many suffered, and our constituents dead. Amidst the rubble, we will not fall in despair. Gain more faith; devote everything to God for that we should bear, Unblame Him, for there is a perfect reason, For these outrageous devastation. We’ve commit crimes, kill, and steal.

Sandugo @ 25th : “Furthering the Spirit of Oneness”

Bohol is said to be the Jewel of the country Philippines. The island is surrounded with magnificent spots and splendid views that attract many outlanders. It has different genres of festivities that are celebrated, but the grandest and the most jubilee is the “Sandugo Festival”. It is an annual event in this current province during the months of July at the 28 th day. Carrying the today’s theme “Furthering the spirit of oneness.” on its silver anniversary (25 th ).             The boholano term “Sandugo” which is a visayan word meaning “one blood”. It is also originated from a blood compact, performed between the Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi and   Datu Sikatuna , the chieftain of Bohol on March 16, 1565 to assure their friendship and serves as their symbol of oneness and cooperation in terms of trade as a part of the tribal tradition. The   Sandugo   is depicted in both the provincial flag and the official seal of the government in Bohol.   It also features the i

I am a Winner

An Inspiring Article Everybody said that they are a loser. A loser in life especially consistently, game, love, and the sorts that we are unable to succeed. As a fourteen year-old ager, I’ve already encountered such circumstances especially at school which I’d conclude that I am a loser. I have uttered millions of words that can be considered as self discrimination not having a credit on the reliance of myself. Certainly, in some ways, we adapt ourselves to be in the characteristic of others for the sense that we might be also called as winners. But, that is not what you’re reckoning about. Obviously, it’s stupid and obnoxious as to rouse moral rage. If we think that we are doomed to failure and disaster, think about the odds given by the other people as they strive, and some of them were deprived by good fortune. Chin up, stand up, show up, and never give up, for you are a winner. We can claim ourselves as winners, as soon as we like it. Nobody should have the guts to say that you


The love of a family is like a circle, When you are in great need; they are present when you call, The affection they show is beyond infinity, It has no end; it’s true, sincere, because it’s their ability. Families do start with a couple, This start will bear fruits as sweet as an apple, Oh! How gratify it is to see, Little children playing with thee. Precisely, with them we are molded Into great individuals that are well- rounded Every time you feel alone and blue, They are visible and I assure you, they would be the best crew. Dismays and trouble nuts do exist, Yet we can dominate it, if we genuinely insist, Disappointments and harshness can’t be deprived In order to fill the gap, one has to lower its pride. Without them, all of these were impossible, We will not hatch and see this world wonderful! Different stuffs, things, and gummies are also seen, But nothing else is greater than the tribute that we can lean.


What would make a person cheat? Does a student cheat in order to make them appear smarter? Or do they cheat to make them honored and pleased? Whatever the reason is, cheating for me is a crime and wrong. As defined by Mr. Webster, cheating is something derived valuable by the use of deceit or fraud. It is the means in attaining high scores dishonestly or by the means of deception. See? Isn’t it annoying to hear? It can affect and injure your future, hence yourself and the people that have been involved. Cheating can be anything. But in a students’ life it is the moment wherein a student will likely peek the papers towards the others and copying homework from the other student. Well, for me that could be considered because it is the cycle of a student’s life J . But, the worst thing is that you do it routinely and it happens almost in daily bases!           The cheating actions that I really hate wherein I feel disgusted and aggravated are that they would just simply rip a piece of p